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Dermaplaning for Great Skin!

Dermaplaning treatment in progress | Purely You Spa Diamond Glow Facial Spa Membership

Dermaplaning for Great Skin. Do you suffer from dry, rough, or patchy skin? Dermaplaning is an ultra-safe and non-invasive treatment for this common condition. Dermaplaning in Naples, Florida is one of the most popular treatments for removing dry unwanted skin and hair.  Many people that live in northern environments tend to have more hair on their face as it protects the skin from the cold climate, but in Florida we want to remove the hair so we are not hot.  Benefits of dermaplaning include: smoother skin, allows for the skin to absorb nutrients better, and ultimately helps your make-up go on smoother.

It removes dead skin and hair in a very safe way so that there is no downtime.  A licensed Esthetician that is thouroughly trained uses a scalpel for this treatment.  It is recommended that the person getting the treatment come with bare skin  to have their skin as dry as possible, on purpose, so that the hair can be easily removed. If the skin is too oily it can be tough to get the best result.  If you have oily skin and hair, do not worry as your Esthetician will know how to remove the excess oil for you to experience great results-It may just take a little extra time.  You will want to stay as calm and still as possible to ensure that your esthetican can pull the skin tight without being too aggressive.  This helps when ladies have thin skin that may be wrinkled to ensure the hair that is in the wrinkled areas gets equal attention and gets removed. It is very difficult to say how long this treatment takes as it trulu

Dermaplaning treatment in progess | Purely You Spa Diamond Glow Facial Spa Membership

Dermaplaning treatment in progress | Purely You Spa Diamond Glow Facial Spa Membership

Having this treatment in conjunction with a facial, or advanced treatment like a HydraFacial, or Diamond Glow Facial, or a DermalInfusion Experience would be absulotely amazing for your skin.  If you have sensitive skin, you may simply want to have dermaplaning and a mini facial or simple hydration afterwards. If you are on a budget, you can communicate that with your esthetican and he or she can help you with the best products for you to continue the skin care experience in your daily routine.  You truly will want to ensure that you add at least a corrective booster serum and moisturizer so that  your skin can enjoy the nutrients better.

If you go to a place where your Esthetican does not have the necessary training…run! If you go to a place where the Esthetican tries to use acetone on your skin before performing a dermaplaning treatment…PLEASE do not allow that person to work on your skin.  There are some wild things going on in the world these days and we would hate for you to get in the wrong hands and have a bad experience.  Listen to your gut.  Ask your self, does this person make me feel safe?  Is he or she confident in what they are doing?  Feel free to ask questions about their training etc.  Any Esthetican that has the appropriate training will never shy away from sharing and they would never be upset to answer those questions.

If you are in the right place…You can expect that the Esthetican will look help you feel at ease and will explain everything to you.  He or she will analyze your skin and give you recommendations.  Additionally, your Esthetican will not RUSH through and will help you feel 100% comfortable with everything.  Depending on how much hair and dead skin you have will determine how long it takes.  Ask any questions you may have and also ensure that you where spf afterwards that will protect you from the aging and burning rays of the sun.  Remember it isn’t recommended to hang outside the same day after dermaplaning for too too long, but if you have to be outside simply re-apply your spf every 40 minutes.  Ensure that you use an spf that works great for you so that you don’t get irritated with the sunscreen and think it is because of the dermaplaning you had.  Your Esthetican can truly help you if you ask any questions you may have.

There is nothing like pairing a dermaplaning session with one of our skincare services!

Schedule your Dermaplaning Skincare Services Naples Florida treatment today. Click here for more information or call us 239-331-8266 to coordinate your Dermaplaming session today!